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Restaurant Roof Repair: Ending the Year With A Bang

Client Overview:

Northridge Bistro is a popular upscale restaurant located in Northridge, California. The establishment is known for its exquisite menu, cozy ambiance, and outdoor dining area that offers a picturesque view of the surrounding hills. However, the restaurant faced a significant challenge when leaks and water damage were detected on its roof, jeopardizing the overall integrity of the structure and potentially disrupting daily operations.

Problem Identification:

In the winter of 2023, Northridge Bistro experienced heavy rainfalls that exposed vulnerabilities in its roofing system. The leaks not only affected the indoor dining area but also posed a threat to the restaurant’s outdoor seating, which is a key feature appreciated by patrons. The management quickly realized the need for urgent roof repairs to prevent further damage and maintain the high standards associated with their establishment.

"Taking care of your roof is like taking care of your peace of mind." - Anthony T. Hincks

New Commercial Roofing Services - Northridge Quality Roofing and Maintenance

Scope of Work:

  1. Roof Inspection: A comprehensive inspection was conducted by a professional roofing team to assess the extent of the damage. This involved examining the entire roofing structure, including membranes, insulation, and drainage systems.

  2. Damage Assessment: The inspection revealed multiple areas with water penetration, compromised seals around vents, and general wear and tear. It was determined that the existing roof material had reached the end of its lifespan, requiring a complete overhaul.

  3. Material Selection: Collaborating with the restaurant management, the roofing experts selected high-quality, durable roofing materials that would not only address the current issues but also provide long-term protection against the diverse weather conditions experienced in Northridge.

  4. Timeline and Budget: A detailed project plan was developed, outlining the timeline for the roof repair and the associated budget. The goal was to minimize disruptions to the restaurant’s operations and ensure that the repair work was completed efficiently.


  1. Temporary Measures: Temporary fixes, such as patching and sealing, were implemented to mitigate immediate issues while awaiting the delivery of the selected roofing materials.
  2. Roof Replacement: The entire roofing system was replaced with the chosen materials, including reinforced membranes and improved insulation to enhance energy efficiency.
  3. Waterproofing: Additional waterproofing measures were incorporated to safeguard against future leaks, ensuring the longevity of the roof and protecting the restaurant’s interior.


The roof repair and restoration project were completed within the stipulated timeline and budget. Northridge Bistro now boasts a fully restored and fortified roof, providing a secure and inviting environment for its patrons. The restaurant’s outdoor dining area is once again a highlight, offering a scenic backdrop for guests to enjoy their meals without concerns about leaks or water damage.


By proactively addressing the roofing issues, Northridge Bistro not only protected its investment but also demonstrated a commitment to providing a top-notch dining experience. The successful collaboration between the restaurant management and the roofing professionals ensured the seamless execution of the project, allowing Northridge Bistro to continue delighting its patrons for years to come.


18710 Bryant St

Northridge, CA 91324


Mon – Fri:8AM – 5PM

Sat: 8AM – 3PM



Quality Roofing and Maintenance.  All Rights Reserved

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